Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Just some sentences

This past weekend Grant wasn't feeling to well. Actually he was feeling fine but everytime he ate his stomach did not agree with him. Let just say momma had to clean up a huge mess in the bathroom floor over the weekend. Oh the joys of being a mom......Actually there are a ton of joys about being a mom. For instance, this morning on the ride to drop the boys off Grant wanted to hold my hand. So yes I drove with one hand because the other was holding my son's. Probably not the safest thing to do but it was so worth it. Who knows when he will want to hold my hand again. Yes I hold his hand when we walk through parking lots but I mean when he will ask to hold my hand because he loves me. That boy sure does know how to melt my heart.

This weekend we watched a funny movie The Change Up. It was about a man who is married with children and one of his friends who is a bachelor changing bodies for a while. I know it sounds wierd but it was funny (aside from some fool language). Both learn how the other ones life isn't perfect. Of course in the end they wanted to be themselves again and learned a valuable lesson. I think a lot of people could learn that lesson.  It is easy to see other peoples lives and think:  how perfect they seem, how much money they have, or what a nice car & job they have. The truth is we don't know what kind of troubles they have with their spouse, children, friends or money.  I am not trying to lecture anyone. I actually need to hear this myself sometimes. I am only human and I get caught up in struggles of my own. When I sit back and look at the big picture I realize I have everything I need... my family, my friends, my faith, and a roof over my head and food on the table. I might not be the richest, smartest, or prettiest woman out there but I have a great life full of wonderful people.

Speaking of wonderful people I'm going tomorrow night to see The Lucky One and eat mexican with some women from work. It is so nice to have people that I really consider my friends and not just coworkers. I am excited about some girl time. I love my boys but sometimes I wish there were other girls in our household. Maybe oneday I can have a little girl...... hint hint Andrew.

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