Friday, May 4, 2012

Three years ago

At this very moment three years ago I was laid up in the hospital bed starving. I was eating my ice chips pretending they were a sausage biscuit, wondering when my little boy would make his grand entrance into the world. At that moment I could only imagine how my world would change. Never in my wildest dreams could I have guessed how you (Grant Carter Davis) would change me.

Before you have children your world revolves you, your spouse, family and friends.... pretty much anything you want. When you have a child, you have this innocent little baby who relies on you for everything.  The LOVE I feel for my children is beyond describable in words.

At three years old Grant is such an independent little boy. He is fully potty trained. He is very much on a schedule. He sleeps all night in his bed. When you ask him a question and he doesn't want help with the answer. He says " I can do it mommy." Grant is sweet and loving. He loves to help me clean and cook. He is very much OCD like me, in fact I think he has it worse then me. If Grant is in his room playing he will randomly run out and close the bathroom door or straighten the trash can and then run back into his room to continue playing. He is a great helper and big brother.. He loves to play and sing to his baby brother.  Grants favorite foods are: Macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, apple sauce, yogurt, bananas, oranges, gummies, gold fish, and cheezits. He eats pretty much anything we give him for dinner. The only thing he has ever really complained about was salad. He knows all the words to the ABC song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jesus Loves Me, This is the Day, and a few other songs.

Grant loves to be outside. He loves to drive his power wheels truck and blow bubbles. He likes to swing and slide. He asks all the time can we get his pool out, so I guess we will be doing that soon. Grant loves to feed his horse and play with his dogs. We play basketball and with sidewalk chalk. Grant just loves it outside. He would go outside rain or cold if we let him. Grant loves to play in his daddies building. He follows Andrew around asking a million questions. Yes, Grant is a question-asker. We always get a why or how after everything. Grant has his moments of whining and crying but the good outweights the bad by a million. One little hug, kiss, and I love you just melts my heart.

These are just a few of the many things I could say to describe Grant. Grant has been a true blessing in our lives. He has taught me how to become more patient and kind. He has taught me that it is okay to let go and act like a kid again. He has taught me that a little stain on your shirt or furniture is not a big deal. He has taught me a different type of love.  He makes me feel like the best mom in the world.

Grant Carter Davis you are an amazing little boy. We love you so much. You are a true blessing to our family and you light up our lives. Happy 3rd Birthday!

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