Friday, November 16, 2012

Bryce is 1

I can't belive a year has flown by. It seems like just last week we were anticipating the arrival of our second little boy. I was worried about how I would spend time with both my boys and not leave anyone out. I was worried about how I would get both ready in the morning by myself, drop them off at daycare, and make it to work by 8. I was praying for everything with the delivery to go smooth and my precious baby boy to be healthy.

What can I say a year later..... Bryce you are a mother dream come true. You are so sweet yet goofy. You smile all the time. You have a contagious laugh and a great spirit. You are by far the wild child. You like to climb on things and just jump off. I'm pretty sure we will be making a trip to the ER soon if this keeps up. You are an eater. And by eater I mean you will eat anything and a lot of it. Right now your favorites are bananas, blueberry nutrigrain bars, french fries, baby puffs, and yogurt. You love to dance. Anytime music is playing you bounce up and down. You are not quite walking. You pull up on everything and will walk behind chairs or any toys you can push. You are a great sleeper. You love to clap and give high fives. Most importantly you make me soo happy and I love you so much. Happy Birthday my little man!

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